Tuesday, July 10, 2007

thought for the day archive. July

5th July: "happy people are'nt happy because they're life's perfect but because they make an effort to grab every opportunity to forget about the sad!" Syeda Fatima, 17

7th july: "one can never say they totally undertsand someones feelings because everyones life and experiences and personality is different" Syeda Fatim,17

16th july:"speak the way u want to there is no such thing as fowl language as long as u aint cursin no one!" Syeda Fatima,18

20th July :"being poor is bliss" Syeda Fatima, 18

30th July:
"when you love someone, taking time out for them is not a task to be performed, it's something you cant do without because it gives you immense pleasure and happiness" Syeda Fatima, 18

31st July:
"a person who loves his work will never say "do you know where money comes from" !" Syeda Fatima, 18

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Salam, Syedama,
I'm happy you have done this. And...... i'm impressed!

Love Mami