Sometimes its amazing how you think you have the control over your life , when u just don't.Just when you woke up one Monday morning thinking 'today's my day, and it's going to be this way forever and that nothing can stop me from getting what i want' you realised that you were stuffing nothing but a bunch of motivational crap into your head!!.
And that's a fact a reality bite the irony of life that is true and everyone has to face it. the issue now is how to face it, and not crib. some people just cry, some people lose all hope and walk around saying things like "god hates me" or "why does my life have to be like this", some sing songs that you've never heard of songs you never imagined existed "how could this happen to me, i made my mistakes got nowhere to run..." K now wait there's a genre called blues but this is down right crappy. And then there are the cursers, you can be totally surprised as to their knowledge of fowl words and damn the languages i say its a talent, and there are two types in this category:
- the whisperers- they wont say it out loud but will lip sink their way to hell they sound like this with a lot of mouth shaking " , ....... ****** !!!!! ".yes that's the way they are not to forget the beautiful expression of total patheticity on their face.
- the loud mouthed weirdos- they don't care about who is listening to them or what they're thinking they just want to get over their sad day or days or months or yrs by just walking around expressing their feelings they go like this, "what f**** is wrong with the f***ing world bloody stupid b****es in my life and them dogs who just can't f***ing f****, f**** them bloody, ass****s, beeeeeeeeeep" (its difficult putting such tiny stars n keeping a count of the letters)
That was a brief description of the more darker sided people and then there are the humorous people who just wont stop laughing when tragedy knocks on their door, they just want to laugh with minor tears, mild depression, a few bad words here and there, and here's the best part the icing of the cake the sarcastic commentary of their life. "no i wanted to have kids na! i was bloody born to have kids wanted 1 just one how many did i get 3 and that too all together with no installment bloody f***ing hell, how excited am i!!. I'm sure god is very happy he wanted to gift me with three oh lookie my smile the smile of the millennium!!" mind you this is all said breathlessly which makes the people hearing the story enjoy it even more!!! ( oh common admit it you love it when people go that crazy)
The problem is still not those people, the problem are these ironic situations of life, but then again just knowing the problem is a problem in itself, the solution is what we are supposed to be looking for. Half the reason to the sad lives of people are that they don't think finding a solution is the key to happiness rather than just sitting and cribbing over the same issues and pouring your heart out to other people.( who by the way if u haven't noticed, are going through the same things!! and wouldn't care less about you!!)
Then what is to be done? simple, find out whats actually bothering you, and start analyzing the situation and see if there was any (even the tiniest) fault of yours, and if there was then get a life and stop blaming the world for what happened, try to work on yourself and soon you'll feel good. No point trying to take revenge when you yourself are at fault. Trust me this works because everyone makes mistakes and its always easy to blame the other person for whatever happens. But if one tries to perfect their own character and thinking as much as possible you can a much happier life, because every time you make a mistake you will also improve and that is a blessing in itself.
So stop crying over the pathetecity of life, grow up and look at the brighter more mature side of life,relationships , work or whatever the hell bothers you so frequently.
Syeda Fatima, 17
i thought this piece of writing was really interesting...particularly when you said, theres no point in pouring out your woes to the world, because every person has their own! everyone's got enought problems of their own to be worrying out other people's problem.....
oh and it was funny too
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