Thursday, May 31, 2007



I was told to dream,
to dream and never stop.
I was told to pray,
to pray the way i was taught.

I was told to smile,
to spread happiness.
I was told to cry,
to get rid of the sadness.

I smiled, i dreamt,
i prayed and i cried
to make life easy
and i almost died.

Feeling lost, feeling dead
I cried out for help,
then i was told to have hope
and I'm no more on my death bed.

Syeda Fatima, 17


Unknown said...

syeda ur poem rocks!! i nvr knew u were such a good poet..keep it up!!

Unknown said...

cant dis poem is too gud........
love ur thots maan jus louuuuu dem

Sam said...

wonderful man... its hard to beleve dat u wrote em all... :P